Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Moira Sariya CRS - TMT Bars Manufacturer & Supplier in Central India


Moira Sariya is the leading TMT bar supplier in Central India with its wide network of more than 550+ dealers and 250+ exclusive dealers spread across the region. It is the flagship brand of Jaideep Ispat & Alloys Pvt. Ltd., one of the top TMT bar manufacturers in India.


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Monday, July 19, 2021

What Is TMT Bar And What Are Its Advantages And Applications?

It wouldn’t be a boast to claim that TMT bars are the backbone of our daily lives – from the homes we live in to the offices we spend our days working in to the bridges and flyover we pass over during our commute – most modern structures get their strength from TMT steel bars interwoven through them.

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Friday, June 18, 2021

Benefits of Corrosion Resistance TMT Bars

Corrosion refers to the damage caused by oxidization or by other chemical reactions on the surface/body of any substance (especially a metal). Withstanding this damage indicates a good corrosive resistance.

A Corrosion resistant rebar with a reduced rate of corrosion enhances total life of the structure from the time of construction. TMT bars carry a huge load of a complete structure and protect it against cracking. Hence are in forcing bar with improved corrosion resistance over traditional carbon steel reinforcing bar is definitely a better choice.

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Good Match Between Concrete And Sariya – What Makes A Structure Strong

TMT or Thermo-Mechanically Treated steel bars are the gold standard for high-quality construction. Manufacturers such as Moira Sariya use the latest German Thermex technology to manufacture its TMT bars. The technology which involves subjecting billets to high temperatures of upto 1100 degree Celsius and then rolling and cooling them in a two-step process (by quenching them with high-pressure water sprays and ambient cooling) creates steel bars with a hard outer surface and a softer inner core.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

5 Reasons You Need Corrosion Resistance TMT Bars For Your Building

The common belief is that cement or concrete provides the strength in a building. This is only partly true – a large part of the strength of a structure comes from the steel structure that holds the concrete together. So naturally, if this steel frame corrodes the entire structure is at risk.

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Sunday, March 14, 2021

TMT Bar Is The Ideal Material For Earthquake Prone Zone In Central India

Earthquakes don’t cause damage – collapsing buildings do! The only – and the best way – to limit damage during a seismic event is to ensure that buildings stay standing during and immediately after the earthquake.

One sure shot way to guarantee the stability of a structure is to use earthquake resistant TMT steel bars (bhookamp rodhi TMT bar). TMT bars are the gold standard for steel in the construction business, and their earthquake-resistant property is well documented and tested. So much so, that after the devastating earthquake in Latur, government regulations made it mandatory to use TMT bars for important construction projects in seismic zones III, IV, and V.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

How to Buy the Best TMT Sariya in Indore

In the current construction business – especially for RCC (reinforced cement concrete) construction – TMT bars or sariyas have become the default choice of steel. Whether the building is a family home or a multi-storied, office complex or a civil structure like a bridge – high-quality TMT steel is the base material (along with concrete) that provides long-term strength to the structure.

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